Wedding & Senior Photography

Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography Blog in Nashville, TN
Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography in Nashville, TN

Capturing the natural


jessica + john | engaged!

As a pho­tog­ra­ph­er, there is noth­ing greater than get­ting to cap­ture the ones you dear­ly love with the ones who they love.

It was no dif­fer­ent for Jess & John… Jess has been one of my best friends for years and I could not be more excit­ed for her and John.

These two are a bless­ing to me and so many & I can’t wait to be there with them as they cel­e­brate the great­est gift of all next sum­mer… mar­riage!

Love you guys:)


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  • Sarah Smith

    these ARE so so so so fun! I think these are some of my favorites you’ve tak­en Katie!ReplyCan­cel

  • Ann Williams Brantley

    Gor­geous! Katie, you real­ly cap­tured Jess & John!ReplyCan­cel

  • Elizabeth Harrelson

    I love these pho­tos! Beau­ti­ful pho­tos of a beau­ti­ful cou­ple!ReplyCan­cel

  • Camille Harrelson

    These are amaz­ing! I love see­ing Jes­si­ca look SO hap­py! 🙂ReplyCan­cel

  • Amanda Batlle

    Love, love, love these! Katie, you are so tal­ent­ed! Jess and John, you could not be a more beau­ti­ful cou­ple! I can not wait to cel­e­brate your wed­ding and your mar­riage 🙂ReplyCan­cel

  • Kathy Daly Lazas

    cutest cou­ple ever! Great job Katie!ReplyCan­cel

  • Nancy Brubaker

    Best wish­es to all..super pho­tos…ReplyCan­cel
