Wedding & Senior Photography

Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography Blog in Nashville, TN
Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography in Nashville, TN

Capturing the natural


kate + austin | engaged!

A per­fect sum­mer evening & a beau­ti­ful­ly-in-love (not to men­tion gor­geous!) cou­ple made this ses­sion so so won­der­ful.

Kate & Austin will be tying the knot in just a few short months and I am thrilled to get to cap­ture their big day!

Con­grats to this sweet cou­ple… can’t wait until August!


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  • Lauren Goodson Moody

    Love love love all of these! Beau­ti­ful cou­ple! Love y’all! 2 more months 🙂ReplyCan­cel

  • Cherie Cheek Sydes


  • Alicia Laurencelle Lekosiotis

    Love these pho­tos Kate — can’t wait for the big day!ReplyCan­cel

  • Allison Duff

    @[7007871:2048:Kate McK­ay], these are fan­tas­tic! You are adorableReplyCan­cel
