Wedding & Senior Photography

Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography Blog in Nashville, TN
Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography in Nashville, TN

Capturing the natural


cassandra + will | engaged!

It was such an hon­or when Will and Cas­san­dra asked if I would be will­ing to shoot their wed­ding next spring…

Being best friends with Will’s old­er sis­ter grow­ing up, I’ve known him since he was a kid and was thrilled to hear the news that he would be mar­ry­ing Cas­san­dra.

Will & Cas­san­dra have dat­ed for years and that was com­plete­ly obvi­ous in the com­fort­able, adorably nat­ur­al & sweet way they inter­act­ed with one anoth­er.

I’m so excit­ed for their dreamy beach wed­ding next May… but until then enjoy a pre­view of their recent engage­ment ses­sion!

Con­grats you guys!


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  • Kristine 'n Cliff Neeley

    Aw fun! Will trains at the same gym as me! 🙂ReplyCan­cel

  • Rebecca Staton

    So gor­geous! Beau­ti­ful cou­ple, and two love­ly peo­ple!ReplyCan­cel

  • Karen Penyak

    Beau­ti­ful cou­ple, great pic­tures!ReplyCan­cel

  • Denice Williams

    Congratulations.….……So beau­ti­ful!ReplyCan­cel

  • Kim Williams Skipper

    The pic­tures are beau­ti­ful!ReplyCan­cel
