Wedding & Senior Photography

Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography Blog in Nashville, TN
Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography in Nashville, TN

Capturing the natural


laura + wade | 6.22.13 | brentwood united methodist + loveless barn nashville wedding

Lau­ra & Wade’s wed­ding day was absolute­ly gor­geous.

From their sweet cer­e­mo­ny, to the amaz­ing recep­tion at Love­less Barn, & all the details in between… it was one I’ll nev­er for­get.

Oh, and it goes with­out say­ing that the bride & groom them­selves were pret­ty darn beau­ti­ful too!:)

Con­grats to you two, and many bless­ings on you as you begin your life togeth­er!


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