Wedding & Senior Photography

Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography Blog in Nashville, TN
Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography in Nashville, TN

Capturing the natural


sara | class of 2014

I loved spend­ing time with this pret­ty senior girl!

Sara, thanks for let­ting me cap­ture this spe­cial time in your life and good luck to you:)

Here she is, Sara.. RHS Class of 2014!

Sara McArthur-1

Sara McArthur-1-2

Sara McArthur-1-5

Sara McArthur-1-3

Sara McArthur-1-7

Sara McArthur-1-4

Sara McArthur-1-8

Sara McArthur-1-9

Sara McArthur-1-10

Sara McArthur-1-15

Sara McArthur-1-11

Sara McArthur-1-13

Sara McArthur-1-12

Sara McArthur-1-14

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  • Kimberly Mathis McArthur

    Love how Sara’s senior pic­tures turned out!

  • Bonnie Cribbs

    She’s such an awe­some girl — and this pho­tog­ra­phy is so amaz­ing! They look won­der­fulReplyCan­cel

  • Dana Hobdy Creque

    she is a beau­ty inside and out:)
