Wedding & Senior Photography

Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography Blog in Nashville, TN
Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography in Nashville, TN

Capturing the natural


chase + natalie | engaged!

Every now and then, each detail of a ses­sion lines up just per­fect­ly. Chase and Natal­ie’s engage­ment shoot was just that…

With unsea­son­ably warm weath­er, gor­geous light, an amaz­ing loca­tion & of course the most adorable cou­ple you’ve ever seen, it was one of the best.

Chase and Natal­ie… thank you for being so won­der­ful, so sweet­ly in love, & such a joy to work with.

Can’t wait until May!

Chase & Natalie-1-5

Chase & Natalie-1-4

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Chase & Natalie-1-7

Chase & Natalie-1-2

Chase & Natalie-1-20

Chase & Natalie-1-8

Chase & Natalie-1-6

Chase & Natalie-1-10

Chase & Natalie-1-12

Chase & Natalie-1-22

Chase & Natalie-1-13

Chase & Natalie-1-11

Chase & Natalie-1-17

Chase & Natalie-1-14

Chase & Natalie-1-23

Chase & Natalie-1-19

Chase & Natalie-1-15

Chase & Natalie-1-16

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  • Denna Burnham-Mayer

    Such gor­geous pho­tos and mem­o­ries! You and your fam­i­lies are very blessed! Con­grats!ReplyCan­cel
