Wedding & Senior Photography

Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography Blog in Nashville, TN
Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography in Nashville, TN

Capturing the natural


brooke + taylor | 3.28.15 | woodmont christian church + belle meade plantation nashville wedding

 Brooke & Tay­lor’s gor­geous day was the per­fect way to kick off Wed­ding Sea­son 2015!

I loved get­ting to know these two bet­ter through­out the week­end. Each & every moment was full of joy.

Their amaz­ing friends and fam­i­lies gath­ered in Nashville to cel­e­brate these two in a big way, and I was so thank­ful to get to be there to cap­ture it all!

Con­grats Brooke and Tay­lor… A life­time of bless­ing upon you both!

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