Wedding & Senior Photography

Blair & Bryan | 12.2.18

Words tru­ly fall short when describ­ing Blair & Bryan’s wed­ding day.  As usu­al, Mint Springs Farm pro­vid­ed the most incred­i­ble back­drop for this gor­geous day, and every detail was per­fec­tion.  I real­ly do just love these two and their sweet love sto­ry. I love the way they com­pli­ment one anoth­er and their obvi­ous devo­tion and loy­al­ty to each oth­er. Blair & Bryan… your wed­ding was breath­tak­ing… and just a small glimpse into the beau­ty that is to come in your new life togeth­er! Con­grat­u­la­tions Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds!

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