Wedding & Senior Photography

Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography Blog in Nashville, TN
Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography in Nashville, TN

Capturing the natural


Raye | class of 2013

well folks, it’s offi­cial­ly my favorite time of the year…  senior pic­ture sea­son!   it’s dur­ing these few months out of the year that I have the awe­some priv­i­lege to com­bine two of my great­est loves: pho­tog­ra­phy & high school kids… and for me, it does­n’t get much bet­ter than that! because I am a young life leader, this year is par­tic­u­lar­ly spe­cial for me as many high school kids that I’ve known and loved dear­ly since they were itty bit­ty fresh­men will now be in front of my cam­era lens as [gasp!] SENIORS! I admit I’m a bit emo­tion­al as I think about the fact that grad­u­a­tion is just a short year away:( so hold tight cause there are some ridicu­lous­ly good look­ing seniors that will be show­ing their beau­ti­ful faces on here very very soon. I’m gid­dy!

I could not be more excit­ed to be kick­ing off the Class of 2013 ses­sions with this beau­ty…

 the gor­geous & sassy Raye… BHS Class of 2013!

I love you more than words dear one.

now book­ing class of 2013 senior ses­sions for June, July & August!


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