Wedding & Senior Photography

Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography Blog in Nashville, TN
Katie Painter Wedding and Senior Photography in Nashville, TN

Capturing the natural


stephanie + william | engaged!

Can I just tell you how ridicu­lous­ly excit­ed I am to get to cap­ture this stun­ning cou­ple’s big day next spring?

I mean, just one look at them and I’m sure you’ll see their unbe­liev­able beau­ty + just how much FUN they are.

Stephanie & Will… I had a blast with you guys. You are amaz­ing!

Con­grats to you two gor­geous peo­ple on your engage­ment and upcom­ing wed­ding!

Stephanie & William-1-3

Stephanie & William-1-19

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Stephanie & William-1-2

Stephanie & William-1-18

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Stephanie & William-1-5

Stephanie & William-1-7

Stephanie & William-1-4

Stephanie & William-1-20

Stephanie & William-1-8

Stephanie & William-1-11

Stephanie & William-1-9

Stephanie & William-1-10

Stephanie & William-1-21

Stephanie & William-1-12

Stephanie & William-1-13

Stephanie & William-1-17

Stephanie & William-1-22

Stephanie & William-1-15

Stephanie & William-1-23

Stephanie & William-1-16

Stephanie & William-1-14


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  • Kathy Daly Lazas

    Could they be any cuter!!! Love!!!

  • Laura Lazas

    So much beau­ty I can’t even han­dle it!!!ReplyCan­cel

  • Sammie Schlichter

    Such a beau­ti­ful cou­ple. Con­grat­u­la­tions on your engage­ment!ReplyCan­cel
